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Memorial Day 2018

28 May

Image result for memorial day 2018

I would like to take a moment to thank all the veterans out there on this day, as we remember those who gave all in service to our country. We should all thank God we live in this country, even with all our problems the USA is still the best country in the world in my opinion. So if you are out and about just enjoying a day off, at least take a moment to think about those who serve so that we may enjoy our freedoms. Thank You, and God Bless You.

Trout Fishing

12 Nov


Last week I spent some time in North Arkansas (God’s Country). I went trout fishing on the White River. The weather was beautiful, but the tree foliage had just started to turn.



Never the less, we caught a lot of fish and had lots of fun.


We ate good too! Chicken Fried Chicken, fries, pinto beans, biscuits and gravy. That’s what I call dinner! Keep prepping everyone!

Veterans Day

11 Nov


I wanted to remind everyone that today is a special day, Veterans Day. I wanted to ask everyone to think about what that really means. There are men and women who have fought and died for your freedom so we can stay here and enjoy the lives we all have. I think all those knuckleheads who are taking a knee and the other protests have a legal right to do so. But many of them would just as soon spit on a soldier as thank him or her. It’s ironic that the soldier is putting his life on the line so the protester can have the freedom to do what they are doing. Even many of our military who are not serving in an active battle zone are still making extreme sacrifices on our behalf. Many of them are away from the birth of their children, hearing them say their first word or take their first step. They miss birthdays, ballet dances, ball games, recitals and all the hundreds of everyday blessings we take for granted. So today if you see someone in uniform, thank them for their service and shake their hand. They are the reason you and I have the freedoms we sometimes take for granted.

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Thank you Veterans!

Tuesday Tunes: Chuck Berry; Johnny Be Goode

21 Mar

Rock-and-Roll icon Chuck Berry passed last weekend so I thought I might post his most famous hit. Those dancers in the video are Whitey’s Lindy Hoppers from the movie Helzapoppin. Enjoy!

Homestead Update 12/24/16

24 Dec


Tonight is Christmas Eve and Santa stopped by the homestead to have dinner with all of his little friends.


Sweet Thing has the table set with her festive holiday décor so Santa can dine with reindeer and bears.


His other friends are Elves, Snowmen, and a Christmas mouse!


Sweet Thing has also been busy making her world famous Chex Mix. She worked three afternoons and made 30 gallons of mix.


Here is some of it all bagged and all ready to go. A lot of people really look forward to her Chex Mix!


Brandi helped her make the Chex Mix so now she is asleep beside me in my recliner because she is all tuckered out! Keep prepping everyone!

Merry Christmas everyone!

Homestead Update 9/11/16

11 Sep


Just a quick post to let you know how things are going around here. I looked out of the back door recently and I saw 9 turkeys grazing across the yard. I finished planting the deer browse and turnip green patch in the back in anticipation of the 80% chance of rain the weathermen were promising. After I hurried to get it all planted, we only got 1/10 of an inch of rain so the seeds will just lay there until we get some decent rain.


I started feeding bees with a community feeder. I hope to install the individual no-drown feeders in each hive tomorrow.


I encountered this grain truck as I was making my rounds this week. The truck came around the corner of this intersection and the trailer full of corn collapsed. I bet the driver said “Darn”!


I also encountered these pigs feeding in the edge of one of the cotton fields I check. After I took this picture, I chased them back to their pen where they belonged!


I also saw this Mini-Mansion that had burned during the past week. It reminded me to check my fire extinguishers when I got home. You always need to be prepared for fire safety. Keep prepping everyone.


No, I didn’t forget this was the 15th anniversary of the attack on 9-11. I have been watching the lip service the politicians have been giving this event over the weekend and I have been disgusted beyond words. I don’t know exactly what needs to be done with these terrorist; there is not one, easy solution. We might be able to stop the big organized attacks, but there is no way to stop all of the lone wolf attacks, so I guess we will just have to learn to live with those. We should have left Saddam in charge over there, he kept those people in Iraq under control. They were too afraid of what he would do to them to start any bull. Maybe we need to take a lesson from him? God bless America!

Colin Kaepernick Is A Disgrace

29 Aug


I saw this knucklehead on TV this weekend and it made me mad as hell. Not only for what he was doing but also for the rest of the people putting this country down for all of our racism. I will admit there is still some racism, and I will admit some policemen go too far and rough up and even kill people unjustly. But if you look at it statistically, there are millions of interactions between police and citizens every day where where everything goes as it should. When I see Colin and all these Black Lives Matter types knocking our country for the horrible racism occurring it makes me want to scream. I recently saw a black congressman on TV saying he is ashamed of this country because of the way black people are treated and the fact he has to have “the talk” with his children. Really? You think this is a racial thing? I am as white as you can get. I mean, when I am naked I look like the Pillsbury Dough Boy, but my parents had “the talk” with me when I was a teenager. My Mama told me if the Police tell me to do something, just do what they say and don’t argue and smartmouth them or they might shoot me. So I don’t consider it a racial thing, I just consider having “the talk” as an example of good parenting. If the police do something you don’t like, just keep your mouth shut while it is happening and the next day you can go and file a complaint. If you say “oh that is too much trouble” then the interaction was probably not as egregious as you pretended it to be. I certainly believe in working to make this country better and improving our situation. As a matter of fact, there are some things about this country I would like to change, but I am not going to refuse to show pride and honor our country. It is just a matter of common courtesy to be respectful to not only our Anthem but the Anthems of other countries. For example, at events where another country’s Anthem is played, you are not expected to face their flag and place your hand over your heart, but just stand there silently and respectfully to the other people. When you refuse to stand for our National Anthem, refuse to recite our Pledge Of Allegiance, or dishonor our flag, you are disrespecting each and every person who has served in military service in order to give you the right to do what you are doing. There are many ways to work to change things without disrespecting our country. If you think this country is so terrible due to racism, then take your azz out of here and go back to mother Africa or somewhere else where you think things are better. I don’t believe you can find anyplace better but if you do, simply renounce your citizenship and pack your bags, I will personally buy you a plane ticket to go there!  Good Grief!!!

Flooding In Louisiana

19 Aug


I saw this today and it made me laugh out loud. Sometimes truth is found in the funny papers.


My allergic reaction is over and I am getting over my psoriasis slowly but surely. Do any of you have psoriasis and do you have any tips and advice for me? I’m starting to feel like my old self again so maybe I will start posting again soon. Keep prepping everyone!

Tuesday Tunes:Lee Benoit;Lacassine Special

9 Feb

Today is Fat Tuesday, otherwise known as Shrove Tuesday or Pancake Tuesday, the last day of Mardi Gras. Since Mardi Gras is such a big event in South Louisiana I thought it appropriate to have some Cajun Zydeco music. Give it a listen I think you will enjoy it.

Homestead Update 2/6/16

6 Feb


I was in the Post Office yesterday and I saw this flier posted on the door. $25,000 reward for assaulting a postal worker in Memphis. That is a big no-no. I thought everyone, even the crack heads, knew better than to mess with a postal worker. The Postal Service don’t play that! Traditionally, in the past all of the government checks and Food Stamps were delivered by mail and it was just understood that the Postman was off limits. Postal workers could still go into some of the roughest parts of town without being assaulted or robbed.  I guess now since the checks and EBT are delivered electronically the hands off tradition is ending. Although I guess a $25,000 dollar reward might just make some thugs own Mama turn him in. (for his own good, you understand) That should make even the most stupid criminal think twice about robbing the Postman.


I was going into one of the local Flea Markets/Antique stores last week and they had one of these signs posted on the door. I asked the proprietor if he really meant it.  He replied “absolutely, the more good guys that carry, the fewer bad guys will be willing to rob and assault people.” I felt right at home in a store like that. I sure feel safer there than at Starbucks!


Today I put together my first swarm trap of the new year. I need to get on the ball if I expect to have 25 ready to put out when the time comes. I was finally able to use my Porter Cable battery powered brad gun. I discovered you really have to be careful to hold the gun straight or it will shoot those brads out of the side of the wood. Oh, so that’s why the instructions say to keep your fingers at least 3 inches away from the nose of the gun. I can imagine you would NOT want one of those brads driven  into your finger. The tool has enough power to drive a 2 inch brad completely into the wood. I still am not sure how well those skinny wire brads will hold once the wood begins to warp and twist. I will give them a try and if they don’t hold well, I will put some nails into the top and bottom just like I did with the three traps I made last year.


I even had the opportunity to use that piece of wire grill that I salvaged off of the air conditioner unit I found on the shoulder of the road last Summer. I cut it into small sections and stapled the wire over the entrance hole to keep birds and squirrels out of the box. Tomorrow is Stuper Bowl Sunday, but there is no way I am going to sit around and watch the pre-pre-pre game show all day. I will go out to my shop after church and put a coat of paint on the trap. I plan on painting it a sort of camouflage pattern so it will be difficult to see hanging in a tree. Maybe that way, some Yea-hoo won’t shoot holes in it for target practice. Keep prepping everyone!