Wooden Washing Machine

22 Jan


We saw this old wooden washing machine at the flea market. The washer part is powered by a belt and pulley system, and the wringer is hand powered. I have seen washers like this before, but they had enamel and metal tubs, not wooden. This might come in handy if times get hard. I guess this one is pretty rare and the price reflected it. $2100.00! No thank you, I PASS! If you wanted a good non-electric washer you can get one like this at Lehman’s. Hand powered agitation and hand powered wringer, you could use this totally off-grid.


How would you like to wash all your clothes in this? Thank goodness for modern conveniences, right?

4 Responses to “Wooden Washing Machine”

  1. Cyndi (Dreaming) January 22, 2012 at 8:24 pm #

    Your post reminded me of a passage in “Half Broke Horses” by Jeannette Walls. She describes her childhood where laundry was such a chore, the family wore shirts front side, then back side, then inside front and inside back! Jeans were never washed… they just took on a patina of grime!

    • doublebhomestead January 23, 2012 at 7:33 pm #

      Cyndi, if I had to use that washer, my clothes would be a lot stiffer than they are now. I might just revert back to my bachelor days and hang them up and let them “air freshen” and wear them again later!

  2. Kara January 31, 2012 at 11:55 pm #

    I HAVE that washer! The Lehman’s hand-washer is literally the washing machine I use to wash all of my laundry! It actually works marvelously well. I use a normal, modern electric dryer, which I think helps towels and such stay nice and fluffy. I’ve been using it as my only laundry-method for nearly a year now, and it is pretty much amazing. 🙂

    • Swamp Dog February 2, 2012 at 8:32 am #

      Kara, thanks for stopping by. If you have been using that washer for a year, I won’t challenge you to an arm wrestling contest. That looks like quite a work-out!

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